Made for More

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Grab a cup of coffee, or whatever wets your whistle, and find a book comfy chair. This is our time to be real, raw, and honest with one another – and with God. We are made for more than pain, more than struggle, and certainly more than what we settle for. Yes my friends, we are Made for More!

According to Oxford, perfection means to be free of flaw; to have no defect, no need for correction, no need to change.  No need at all.  I don't like to admit it, but I once lived with the belief that value lies in perfection....

The last time we sat to chat, I talked about being aware of struggle, what it looks like, and how to step off the fence of struggle, and win.  I have been driven to understand that the greatest struggles come, when my emotions own a...

I normally start my mornings with a cup of coffee and reading the Bible. I follow that with more coffee and some intimate time writing in my journal. When I started keeping a journal, I was so concerned with doing it right, that I missed...